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Recommenders Specific

  • New Recommender Dashboard Changes

    As requested by many users, we have enhanced the recommender portal Dashboard page to be more easily accessed and read. We hope you will enjoy the new feature which will make the initial page load fas...

  • Multiple & Additional Recommendations

    Each school sets the number of recommendations they would like to receive through our service. If you would like to submit additional recommendations, please contact the school directly for further in...

  • Cannot find recommendation request email

    Please follow these steps if you are not receiving recommendation request emails: 1. Please check your Spam folder. 2. If the recommendation email is not there please add applywithus-do-not-reply@gate...

  • Request not added to recommender account

    You should have received a request email from the candidate/family. In the request email there are two links, please use them to add the request to your account. If you do not have a request email or ...

  • Email notification (Gateway Recommender)

    You will not receive any confirmation email from the Gateway to Prep Schools when you submit a form. If you have any questions regarding the status of your recommendations, please refer to your 'Dashb...

  • Who sent the recommendation request?

    If the student has not directly approached you about getting a recommendation, and you are not sure of who sent the request, please ask your students directly. You can find the student's email on your...