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Applicants/Parents Specific

  • Email Already Taken (Gateway)

    If you already have an account on the St. Paul's School interview scheduling portal (, please log into Gateway using the exact same email and password as your St. Paul's S...

  • General instructions for applicants (Gateway)

    Before you begin work, please read through these general instructions. * Click here [] to watch a webinar that explains the various steps of the application. ...

  • Application withdrawal / No longer applying (Gateway)

    If you have not submitted any form or recommendation request, you will be able to remove a school on the My schools page. If you wish to withdraw your application after it is submitted, please contac...

  • Changing Term, Grade, or Residential Status

    You may change your Term, Grade, or Residential Status at any point prior to submission of any form or recommendation requests by removing the school from your 'My Schools' page and then adding the sc...

  • Fee Waivers (Gateway Applicants)

    Many Gateway schools offer Fee Waivers. To check if the school(s) to which you are applying grants fee waivers, please go to the member schools page at T...

  • How do I pay my application fee? (Gateway)

    If your selected school accepts online payment via Gateway, you can pay your application fee using a valid MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover credit card or debit card. To pay your appli...

  • Recommender not receiving recommendation request email

    If your recommender could not receive the request emails please follow these steps: 1.Please have them check their Spam folder. 2.If it is not in their spam folder, their service provider may be blo...

  • Where can I include my test scores?

    You do not need to upload your standardized testing scores to Gateway. If you need to provide the scores, please contact the schools directly. You can find the contact information of the schools here:...

  • Is there a charge to use the Gateway to Prep Schools Application?

    No. There is no charge to students to use the Gateway to Prep Schools application. The only fee involved is the specific school application fee, payable directly to the school. You can pay applicatio...

  • Recommender says recommendation is submitted, but Checklist is not updated

    The 'Checklist' is updated automatically and instantly when the recommendation is completed online. If your 'Checklist' does not say it is submitted, then the recommender has not submitted online. Th...