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  • Creating and Reducing Size of PDF Files

    Creating PDF Files There are a variety of ways to create PDF files that differ from computer to computer. Mac OS X In most applications, go to File > Print. In the Print dialog box you should see an o...

  • Forgot/reset password (UCA)

    If you have forgot your password, visit the Forgot Password page and enter your registration email address. If the page says Email not found then the email entered is incorrect or you do not have an a...

  • Was my form submitted?

    To check the submission status of a form, please log into your account and visit the Checklist page. If your form has been successfully submitted you will see Submitted by the form. Please note: each ...

  • Copy & paste long response/essays

    It is recommended that any long responses be created, edited, and spellchecked in another text editing program before copying and pasting the long response into the appropriate field. You should doubl...

  • PDF File Does Not Upload

    If you are attempting to upload a PDF and it gives an error or will not upload, please follow the steps below: 1. Make sure the file is a PDF file with a .pdf extension 2. Make sure the file size is l...

  • Print Preview Does Not Appear

    If you attempt to Print Preview and the PDF does not appear in a new window or begin downloading, your browser may be blocking the popup. Please change your browser settings to allow popups from the w...

  • Submission date/time

    The Submitted date you see for each item in your Checklist is the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time - abbreviated as UTC - is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and times) dat...

  • Unsubmitting forms / Change submitted forms

    Unfortunately when you submit a form online the institution receives it instantly so it cannot be unsubmitted or changed through the system. However, if you need to make changes to a submitted form pl...

  • How to switch account type?

    If you wish to change your account type (recommender, Applicant etc), please follow the steps below: 1. Please log into your account and click the circle Icon at the top right of your page (head/shoul...

  • Linking and unlinking forms

    When forms are linked together, if one form is edited or submitted, the other(s) will be as well. In order to unlink a form from another, simply click the Unlink button to remove the link between the ...