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Applicants Specific

  • Email notification (UCA Applicant)

    You will not receive any confirmation email from the Universal College Application when you submit a form. If you have any questions regarding the status of your application components, please refer t...

  • Multimedia content

    If you would like to share multimedia content such as videos, websites, newspaper stories, or an online art portfolio, there are a variety of methods to make this content available on the web, if it i...

  • Online Payment Difficulties (UCA)

    Online payment is not available until after you submit the Application form. Application fees are paid directly to the institutions. Please contact the institutions directly if you have difficulties w...

  • When is my application submitted?

    There is NOT an overall 'Submit Application' button. Each item is sent to the institution as soon as you submit it. Nothing is held back or delayed....

  • Social Security Number (SSN)

    If you enter your Social Security Number, SSN, it will not appear on the Print Preview. This is done for your privacy and security. The colleges you apply to will have access to this information, howe...

  • When applying to multiple colleges, will the colleges know to which other colleges I have applied?

    No. When you use the Universal College Application to apply to multiple colleges, each individual college knows only that you applied to their specific institution. They do not know if, or where, you ...

  • Apply for Scholarship

    This is technical support and we are not a college. For any questions regarding scholarship please contact the institutions directly. You can find the contact information of the institutions here: htt...